
PARATISSIMA 10 SALONE TORINO ESPOSIZIONI November, 05th-09th 2014 opening hours: Wednesday:18-24h Thursday/Friday: 15-24h Saturday: 12-24h Sunday: 10-22h
BOTANICA NEL PARCO MELANO September,14th 2014 PARCO MELANO, RIVOLI / ITALY via Alla cava, through Parco San Grato and via Montelimar from 10 AM to till sunset – free entry –
FLORMART FLORMART September, 10 – 12th 2014PADOVA FAIR / ITALY pavillion 4, row A, stand 012
KOI ITALIAN KOI SHOW May, 24 – 25th 2014Cesena / ITALY
ortinfestival ORTINFESTIVAL May, 30th – June, 2nd 2014Venaria Reale
140301 expocasa torino EXPOCASA The interior, furniture and house fair: lots of ideas for furnishing March,1 – 9th 2014Lingotto Fairs, TURIN Pavillion 5